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What is Qurbani and what are the rules?

What is Qurbani and what are the rules?

Qurbani is the sacrifice of an animal during the festival Eid ul Adha. The significance of this relates to the event that took place during the time of Prophet Ibrahim Alayhissalam. This is when he in a dream was commanded to sacrifice his son for Allah. After much deliberation, he finally set out to sacrifice his beloved son. We must remember Ibrahim waited many years to finally have a son. He was 86 years old when his son was born so one can imagine the love he had for his son. And to now sacrifice him.

First 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

First 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

Some of the most important days of the year are the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. In Surah Al-Fajr, Allah swears by the 10 nights. Scholars are in agreement, this relates to the first ten nights of Dhul Hijjah. We often see Allah swearing by magnificent phenomenon in the Quran, this in turn gives more weight to the verses to follow. Allah is swearing by these first ten nights. These nights are not to be taken lightly.

8 Tips for a Nutritious Ramadan

8 Tips for a Nutritious Ramadan

As far as a healthy nutritious lifestyle goes, Ramadan is a good opportunity to stop bad food habits and limit what we eat. Fasting relieves and strengthens the digestive system while increasing its efficiency and helps adjust triglyceride levels in the blood. However, because our suhoor and iftaar contain highly calorific foods we in fact reverse any benefit.

15th of Sha’ban: The great debate

15th of Sha’ban: The great debate

If this night is truly a blessed night then to dismiss it, is a great loss. However, if it does not hold any significance then to glorify it is an innovation and a deviation from the sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam). The Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said: “Anyone who introduces something into this matter of ours, which is not from it, will have it rejected.” (Bukhārī and Muslim)[1]

Hydrating Fruits & Nuts perfect for Ramadan

Hydrating Fruits & Nuts perfect for Ramadan

It’s important to be healthy in Ramadan so that we can benefit fully from everything this month has to offer. It’s a busy and intense period of ibadah (worship) alhamdulillah, and we can and should help ourselves by being in the best possible physical condition. We can ensure this by eating foods that are rich in goodness, the consequences of which will insha Allah include making fasting easier for our bodies and minds.

Breastfeeding is best

Breastfeeding is best

Breastfeeding is a skill that takes time to get the hang of. Lots of mums wonder if their baby’s feeding well and getting enough – especially in the first few days. But once you’ve mastered it, you’ll probably find it’s the easiest and most satisfying way to feed your baby. Breastfeeding means you’ll always have a constant supply of food for your baby, at the perfect temperature, whenever they need it.

Moscow is becoming ‘Halal’

Moscow is becoming ‘Halal’

The Aerostar hotel in Moscow has launched a special ‘halal’ service for visitors, including a prayer room and a Quran on your bedside, in a bid to attract visitors from the Muslim world. “Our Muslim visitors were constantly asking for a separate prayer room or a special menu. We wanted everyone who came here to feel at home,” said Lyubov Shiyan, marketing director at the Aerostar hotel.