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Are Sharks and Whales Halal?

Are Sharks and Whales Halal?

We can also conclude that:

If a non-fish sea creature was considered as a fish by the early Arabs, then we will consider it as a fish, e.g. a Whale.

If a non-fish sea creature was unknown or never mentioned by the early Arab community then we will either use Analogy or we will use a modern biologically definition, i.e. we will say it is not a fish biologically therefore haram.

If the sea creature is a fish, regardless of size or predatory nature, it will be halal.

Food Additives

Food Additives

Taste, texture, freshness and appearance are a few of the major contributions food ingredients and food additives make toward the enjoyment of food. By aiding in the processing and preparation of foods, ingredients also help to maintain certain desirable qualities that are associated with various foods.

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak!

Alhamdulillah Allah has graced us with another Ramadan and now it’s drawn to an end. Taqabbalallahu minnaa wa minkum. May Allah accept the good deeds performed by both us and you. Eid Mubarak from the Halal Life team! Stay safe this Eid and love your close ones more than ever before!

Science says smile

Science says smile

Capitalising on this moment, Isen and Levin set up a famous study where some people found money in the change drawer of a pay phone, and some people didn’t. As they left the phonebox, a person walked by and dropped a bunch of papers. The results: 84% of the people who found money helped pick up the papers, while only 4% of those who didn’t find money helped.

The Benefits of Volunteering

The Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to enhance your mood and satisfaction with life. Studies show that people who spare their time and devote it to volunteering and helping others have a greater sense of social connected-ness, which in turn wards off loneliness and low mood.

What Sugar does to our Brains

What Sugar does to our Brains

It can feel like we are often bombarded with information highlighting the negative link between sugar and health. We are told that sugar negatively impacts our mental well-being, by suppressing hormones that play a significant role in brain health. We are told that sugar has a detrimental effect on learning and memory, and that is has addictive properties, meaning that once you start on the sugar buzz, it can be hard to stop. Recent research has even highlighted the significant…

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The Muslim and his Neighbour

The Muslim and his Neighbour

He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while the neighbour to his side goes hungry Prophet Muhammad, al-Sunan al-Kubrá There is great emphasis on the neighbour in Islam. The idea is, if we all look after at least our neighbours, then the whole community will be at security. In Surah Nisa, Verse 36, Allah says: Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor…

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How well do you Kosher?

How well do you Kosher?

Some Muslims consider Kosher to be halal, as in, if it’s kosher then it’s halal. But we must remember that KOsher and Halal are not the same, although there may be some cross over, such as the slaughter process, likewise, there may be a cross over between halal and vegetarian. Further, you will note kosher is far more strict than halal. Muslims do not make haram what is not haram.

What is Anxiety

What is Anxiety

We hear the word “anxiety” thrown around a lot these days. We have all described ourselves as feeling “anxious” at one stage or another – whether it’s linked to a feeling of dread about an upcoming event, or associated with the stress or pressures of the workplace, or related to a particular issue in a relationship. And it’s natural and normal that we feel anxiety in particular situations – but what about when it goes above and beyond what the…

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Gelatine in Islam

Gelatine in Islam

Most Muslims are familiar with this term and see it from a mile off on a product proclaiming haram! haram! or turn a blind eye. We may ask why gelatine is not halal. In this post, we will examine what gelatine is and whether Muslims can consume it.

Good Mood Food – Food for a good mental state

Good Mood Food – Food for a good mental state

It is commonly accepted that our diet has an effect on our physical health. Media and social media are constantly bombarding us with the latest diets we need to try in order to get our bodies in the ‘perfect’ shape. Less talked about, however, is the effect our diet has on our mental health. While we may attribute our irritability, mood swings and difficulty concentrating to other stressors in life, our diet may have a big part to play in causing these symptoms.