
This brand has been listed as a Boycott Brand by the Witness. You can read more information here: Walker’s | Israel Boycott Guide | by The Witness
This page relates to Walkers, a Walkers product, Last updated April 2024. Every effort has been made to assess each Walkers product individually.
We’ve provided a list of Halal Products with mention of those that contain ethanol (alcohol). Please note the ethanol amount and usage is considered permissible. You can read more on this here: Fiqh of Ethanol. You can also find a Vegan list provided by Walkers.
Some crisps also mention bacon, but this is flavourings only. You can read more on the stance on bacon products here: Bacon flavourings.
If you do not find your product listed, either it is a new product or it is not Halal. Please send us a message or WhatsApp message us on 07933265414 to confirm.
The following are halal and also suitable for Vegetarians:
theHalalLife.co.uk is a not for profit website. Please support us by spreading the word on theHalalLife.co.uk. We also have recipes, scholars biographies and many articles. You can share this post using the share links below.
Walkers Crisps Range
- Walkers Crisps Beef & Onion Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
- Walkers Crisps Cheese & Onion Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Flamin’ Hot Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Marmite Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
- Walkers Crisps Pickled Onion Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
- Walkers Crisps Prawn Cocktail Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Ready Salted
- Walkers Crisps Roast Chicken Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Salt & Vinegar Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Salt ‘n’ Shake
- Walkers Crisps Smoky Bacon Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Spicy Sriracha Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Tomato Ketchup Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Worcester Sauce Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
Walkers Max Range
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch BBQ Rib Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch Cheddar & Onion Flavour
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch Chicken & Chorizo Flavour
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch KFC Zinger Flavour
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch Sea Salt
- Walkers MAX Cheese & Onion Flavour
- Walkers MAX Flame Grilled Steak Flavour
- Walkers MAX Flamin Hot Flavour
- Walkers MAX Kentucky Fried Chicken Flavour
- Walkers MAX Paprika Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
- Walkers MAX Salt and Vinegar Flavour
- Walkers MAX Strong Fiery Peri Peri Flavour
- Walkers MAX Strong Hot Chicken Wings Flavour
- Walkers MAX Strong Jalapeno & Cheese Flavour
Walkers MixUps Range
- Walkers MixUps Snacks Mix Cheese Flavour
- Walkers MixUps Snacks Mix Spicy Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
Walkers Poppables
- Walkers Poppables BBQ Rib Flavour (ethanol flavourings)
- Walkers Poppables Cheddar Cheese Flavour
- Walkers Poppables Sweet Chilli Flavour
- Walkers Bugles Cheese Flavour
- Walkers Bugles Southern Style BBQ Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Marmite Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Pickled Onion Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Prawn Cocktail Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Ready Salted
- Walkers Crisps Roast Chicken Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Salt & Vinegar Flavour
- Walkers Crisps Salt ‘n’ Shake
- Walkers Crisps Worcester Sauce Flavour
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch BBQ Rib Flavour
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch Chicken & Chorizo Flavour
- Walkers MAX Double Crunch Sea Salt
- Walkers MAX Paprika Flavour
- Walkers Poppables BBQ Rib Flavour
- Walkers Poppables Sweet Chilli Flavour
- Walkers Bugles Southern Style BBQ Flavour
Recipes may change so always check the ingredients on the pack.
51 thoughts on “Walkers”
Salam, is walker max pepperoni feast halal?
I love cheese n onion. Let me know if they decide to go haram!
If someone presented a mix bowl of crisps.. and say you ate them and later found out some of them were pork. Is it haram?
Salam Brother
If the crisps contained pork, then they are unequivocally haram, however if it was flavouring (not derived from pigs) then it won’t be considered haram, but still disliked.
As one was not aware, no sin is upon them, however it gives thought to ensuring what we eat is halal beforehand.
Is walkers Beef & onion halal?
Is flame grilled steak halal
Salam, Yes
Asalam walaikum thank you for doing a great job and informing the Muslim jummah but I have come across the walkers max strong range can you clarify if they are halal or not they have animal Renner in the jalapeno and cheese one and there is also hot chicken wings anf chilli and lime flavour
We can confirm the following are halal:
Walkers MAX Strong Chilli & Lime Flavour
Walkers MAX Strong Wasabi Flavour
What about the max strong jalapeño and cheese flavour?
Salam, the mentioned crisps are haram. Do you think people will benefit from a haram tab?
We did not want to declare products as haram, as there is sometimes a difference of opinion, either in ingredients or school of thought.
Maybe a tab which says doubtful or contains such and such
Yes they are haram however it says here it is halal
If the jalapeno and cheese flavor for max strong is haram then please remove it from the halal section that you have listed as then people will be misguided. If I am wrong here then please correct me.
Walkers max jalapeno and cheese are haram as they contain animal rennet. It also states in the packet Not suitable for vegetarian.
You can
Fobbiding eating pork is an order by Allah Ta ala so eating it as flavor shouldn’t be thought of.
Hi, ehatsvthe ingredient in max strong jalapeño and cheese flavour which makes it haram..?!
Animal Rennet.
Is sensations, Doritos and Max is halal?
Please search the website for the products and you will find an answer on each page.
Assalamu alaykum
I’ve stumbled across your site whilst researching the use of ethanol in food products (specifically Walkers crisps), and hope you can help…
Are crisps (or other food products) that contain ethanol, permissible to eat for Muslims? I have recently discovered that Walkers Sensations contain ethanol, and possibly Walkers Max Paprika too.
What’s the Hanafi fiqh regarding this please?
Jazak’Allah khayr
Salam, because the amount of the synthetic alcohol is minute and also is not derived from dates or grapes, they will be permissible to consume.
asalam allaykom
Please are the list of walkers crisps which are halal still the same or have any changed ?
Thank you
The walkers range was updated in July 2019.
are sensations sweet thai chilli halal or harem???
Sensations are halal – please see Sensations
Slaam Are walker’s max punchy paprika haram?
Salam, both are fine to eat.
salam, are walker max hot chicken wings halal?
Salam yes. Real chicken flavourings are not used.
Are skips prawn cocktail flavour halal or haram
Assalam Alay Kum,
Skips can be confirmed as Halal. Skips
Salaam Brothers please let me know whether MAX Jalapeno and Cheese is halal
Salam, these contain animal rennet therefore not suitable for vegetarians. But generally, they are halal according to the hanafi school.
Is the walkers nandos peri peri chicken flavour walkers haram
Salam Yes they are halal. Ive requested an update from Walkers and will update all the Walkers brands post in August InshaAllah.
Are walkers cheese and onion and the basic other flavours halal?
Salam Yes
Aslaam o alaikum
Are walkers double bbq ribs is halal plz answer my question brother jazakallah
I couldn’t leave a comment on the Pringles page, but could you please re check if they ‘are halal as online it says that Pringles are made out of McDonalds fries and ,McDonald fries are fried in lard
Salam. Please check your sources and facts carefully. The McDonalds website states:
No. McDonald’s UK French Fries are made by McCain’s using Russet Burbank, Pentland Dell and Shepody potatoes, which are chosen for their quality, taste and long shape when cut. The fries are not coated in any fats or substances from an animal. Once at the restaurant, our fries are simply cooked in dedicated frying vats in a non-hydrogenated blend of sunflower and rapeseed oil which is 100 percent suitable for vegetarians. In fact, McDonald’s French Fries are officially accredited by the Vegetarian Society.
Walkers paprika flavour. It’s written in ingridients, flavouring includes pork . Means it’s haram
Salam, which country are you emailing from? Please email us with an image of the ingredients
Walkers MAX Strong Jalapeno & Cheese Flavour
contain animal rennet so cannot be halal u jokemen
Can you please tell walkers KFC Kentucky fried chicken crisps are halal?
Is walkers max fiery prawn cocktail halal?
I just wanted to ask that are prawn cocktail, roast chicken and smoky bacon crisps halal because it’s a confusion. Some people around me told they they are haram but some said that they are fine for muslims.
is pork even halal?
Salam i noticed that theres mustard on the allergen list does the mustard have alcohol (0.5%) and is it halal?