
This page relates to Heinz, Last updated Feb 2022. Every effort has been made to assess each Heinz product individually.
The following are Halal:
Halal Sauce
- Tomato Ketchup
- Tomato Ketchup No Added Sugar & Salt
- Tomato Ketchup 50% Less Sugar & Salt
- Sweet Chilli Tomato Ketchup
- Tomato Ketchup Organic
- [Seriously] Good Mayonnaise
- [Seriously] Good Light Mayonnaise
- Salad Cream
- Salad Cream 30% Less Fat
- Salad Cream 70% Less Fat
- Classic Barbecue Sauce
- Sticky Barbecue Sauce
- Sweet & Spicy Barbecue Sauce
- American Style Smokey Baconnaise Sauce
- Korean Style Sticky Barbecue Sauce
- American Style Burger Sauce
- Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce
- Thai Style Coconut Lime Sauce
- Mexican Style Firecracker Sauce
- Turkish Style Garlic Sauce
- French Style Tartare Sauce
- Mild Yellow Mustard
- Honey Yellow Mustard
- Mustard Pickle
- Piccalilli Pickle
- Ploughman’s Pickle
- Sandwich Pickle
- Original Sandwich Spread
- Light Sandwich Spread
- Saucy Sauce
- Aromatic Herbs Ketchup
- Balsamic Vinegar Ketchup
- Fiery Chilli Tomato Ketchup
- Jalapeno Chilli Tomato Ketchup
- Roasted Garlic Ketchup
Halal Beans
- Baked Beanz
- Organic Beanz
- Beanz Snap Pots
- Five Beanz
- No Added Sugar Beanz
- Barbecue Beanz
- Peri Peri Beanz
- Fiery Chilli Beanz
- Curry Beanz
- Italian Beanz
- Lentil Curry
- Spanish Beanz
Haram Beans
- Beanz with Pork Sausages
- Smokey Bacon Beanz
- Mexican Beanz
Halal Soup
- Carrot & Coriander
- Cream of Mushroom
- Cream of Tomato Soup
- Cream of Tomato with a Kick Of Chilli
- Cream of Tomato with Basil
- Lentil
- Minestrone
- No Added Sugar Cream of Tomato
- No Added Sugar Vegetable
- Organic Cream of Tomato
- Potato & Leek
- Spring Vegetable
- Vegetable
Big Soup
- Chunky Vegetable
- Vegetable & Bean Stew
Cup soup
- Cream of Tomato
- Vegetable
- Cream of Tomato with a Kick Of Chilli
- Cream of Mushroom
- Cream of Tomato with a Hint of Basil
- Minestrone
Eat well
- Spiced Butternut Squash & Chickpea
- Tomato & Cannellini
- Tomato, Spinach & Lentil
- Cream of Mushroom
- Cream of Tomato
- Vegetable
Soup of the day
- Mushroom & Roasted Garlic
- Potato & Leek with Chives
- Spiced Pumpkin, Sweet Potato & Carrot
- Tomato, Roasted Garlic & Black Pepper
Haram Soup
- Beef Broth
- Chicken & Sweetcorn
- Chicken Noodle
- Cream of Chicken
- Cream of Chicken & Mushroom
- Lentil & Bacon
- Mulligatawny
- Oxtail
- Pea & Ham
- Scotch Broth
Big Soup
- Beef & Vegetable
- Beef Broth
- Chicken & Bacon
- Chicken & Leek
- Chicken & Vegetable
- Lamb & Vegetable
- Minted Lamb Hotpot
- Pulled Pork & Veg Casserole
- Roast Chicken & Vegetable
- Sausage & Vegetable
- Steak & Onion
- Steak & Potato
- Steak & Vegetable
- Steak & Potato
- Steak & Vegetable
Cup soup
- Cream of Chicken
- Oxtail
- Cream of Chicken
Halal Pasta
- Hoops
- Spaghetti
- Alphabetti
- Numberetti
- Macaroni Cheese
- No Added Sugar Hoops
- Hoops Snap Pots
- Micro Spaghetti Snap Pots
- Peppa Pig Pasta Shapes
- No Added Sugar Disney Frozen Pasta Shapes
- Frozen Pasta Shapes Snap Pots
- Hello Kitty Pasta Shapes
- Minions Pasta Shapes
- Minions Pasta Shapes Snap Pots
- Paw Patrol Pasta Shapes Snap Pots
- Peppa Pig Pasta Shapes Snap Pots
- Thomas and Friends Pasta Shapes
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pasta Shapes
- No Added Sugar Paw Patrol Pasta Shapes
Haram Pasta
- Beef Ravioli
- Spaghetti Bolognese
- Spaghetti Plus Sausages
- Balsamic with a hint of Garlic
- Chilli & Lime
- Raspberry Balsamic
- Zesty Lemon
Recipes may change so always check the ingredients on the pack.
8 thoughts on “Heinz”
how come you haven’t done the suaces?
Sauces are at the top
Most of the sauces contain vinegar. Is the production process of the Vinegar halal too?
Assalamu alaykum.
As noted by brother Abdi, many of the Heinz products contain Spirit Vinegar, such as the Tomato Ketchups.
I would also like to ask for clarification on whether the production process for these vinegars were checked, since artificially processed vinegars (i.e. converting alcohol into vinegar yourself) is haram, while naturally occurring vinegars are halal.
This ruling is clarified in this fatwa:
Wa Alay Kum Asalaam, In terms of wine made from vinegar deliberately, scholars differ as to whether it is permissible or not. We follow the opinion: Vinegar is permitted even if its origin is spirits or wine, and even if it did not transform by itself but required an external agent. (Radd al-Muhtar/Hanafi Fiqh)
Hi. How about HEINZ baby food products? Maybe can provide the information about halal as well.
Salam halal life team i am wondering how the spirit vinegar present in the mayonnaise can be halal as prophet Muhammad s.w.a said Every intoxicant is unlawful and whatever causes intoxication in large amounts, a small amount of it is (also) unlawful.” I am wondering did the halal life team gain any information if the spirit vinegar in the heinz seriously good mayonnaise contain even a slight amount of alchohol and if so is it then haram regarding the Hadith.
Please see our article on Alcohol