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Tag: ethanol

Alcohol in Perfume and Deodorant

Alcohol in Perfume and Deodorant

Alcohol is present in many deodorants and perfumes as a solvent or carrier. You can read the detailed post on the Fiqh of Ethanol. When it comes to perfume, each ingredient has scent molecules of their own particular weight, for example, citrus oils have light molecules that are quite volatile and fade quickly, but heavier base oils like sandalwood and amber are heavier and don’t disperse much. In other words, you’ll only really smell them very close to the skin….

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The Fiqh of Ethanol in Islam

The Fiqh of Ethanol in Islam

Many of us have come across ethanol or ethyl-alcohol, or just alcohol in products. In this post, we will consider the Islamic Stance of these substances. We must first remind you that Alcohol is a very complex topic and still debated by scholars. We will present a number of views, however, our overarching view is the Hanafi position. If you want to skip the evidence and just want an answer, click here.