Pir Saqib Shaami
Pir Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal Shaami (Hafizahullah) was born in Azad Kashmir in a well respected family frequently visited by Sufis and religious personalities. From an early age he showed fervour in following the Qur’an and Sunnah by spending time in seclusion reciting the Holy Book practising dhikrullah (remembrance of Allah), preaching about prayer and respect, relating the stories of the Prophets (upon them be peace) to his contemporaries, and being preoccupied with cleanliness and eating moderately.
At a tender age he also enjoyed the company of Islamic mystics and often spent his time with Pir Walayat Hussain Shah and Sufi Muhammad Shafi. Where the latter was most notorious for his spirituality, often falling into wajd (spiritual ecstasy).

Background: Azad Kashmir, Pakistani
Resides: Birmingham, UK
Current Occupation:
Education: Hifz, Dars Nizami, BA Law
Denomination: Sunni
Jurisprudence: Hanafi
Aqeedah: Maturudi
Preferred Subject: Tassawuf, Fiqh, Aqeedah
Notable Teachers: Ramadhan al Booti, Walayat Hussain Shah, Mufti Yaar Muhammad, Samir an-Nass
Sufi Muhammad Shafi’s older brother, Sufi Ghulam Nabi is buried in Jannat ul baqi. He visited the mother of Pir Saqib Shaami in a dream after Pir Saqib Shaami’s older brother, Musharraf Iqbal, died. She was told to excercise patience, and she was to witness a greater return for her unforgettable loss in the form of a son. Within the short space of a year the mother was visited in her dream by Sufi Ghulam Nabi again and he indicated glad tidings of the birth of her son and said “he will be a shining star”. The family was rewarded with the birth of a boy who was named Saqib which means a shining star.
After a childhood spent in rural Kashmir, his family migrated to England, where Pir Sahib started private studies in the Islamic Sciences. Wishing to further his studies he returned to Pakistan and completed Hifz (Memorisation of the Qur’an) in little more than eleven months. He then completed a one year Tajweed and Qiraat course in Jamia tul Furqan Rawalpindi.
At the age of 14 he returned to England and immediately placed himself under the guidance and tutelage of one of the most eminent scholars to have reached these shores, namely Sheikh Rasool Baksh Sa’idi. Pir Sahib began his Dars-e-Nizami course or Islamic Scholars Course.
After a period of study Pir Sahib read BA Law at Staffordshire University. On completion of the Dars-e-Nizami course he decided to further his Islamic studies abroad and chose Damascus, Syria. Whilst in Syria, Pir Saqib studied in Jamia Abu Noor and Jamia Fath al Islami, specialising in Fiqh where he benefited from some of the greatest scholars of Syria namely Shaykh Ramadhan al Booti, Shaykh Wali al Deen Farfoor and Shaykh Mustafa al Bugha. He also studied privately under great scholars in the region, most notably Sheikh Samir an-Nass and Shaykh Ussama Murad.
After the completion of his studies in Damascus Pir Saqib immediately set out to teach the sciences of Shari’ah (Islamic Law) in England. Many of the students who studied under him during this period benefited from him greatly and further pursued their studies in Syria and other places in the Arab world and also studied with Shaykh Rasool Bakhsh Saeedi and Mufti Yaar Muhammad.
In March 2003, Pir Muhammad Saqib Shāmi founded Kanz ul Huda after observing a need. He established the organisation on the classical sciences of Islam and Tasawwuf (Islamic mysticism), and has since led many educational and social projects bringing long overdue change to communities in the UK and abroad. His expertise and experience in these fields has also led to significant recognition from local, national and international organisations, and he has been invited to become a standing member of advisory boards for these organisations.
Pir Sahib is also leader of Tehreek-e-Ahle-Sunnat Britannia, responsible for organising a range of various activities and programmes for the Muslim community in the UK.
Pir Muhammad Saqib frequently delivers lectures in various cities of Pakistan and leads Umrah pilgrimage tours to Saudi Arabia for his students and there he is known to spend most of his time in Al-Madina al Munawwarah. It is in Al-Madina al Munawwarah where Pir Sahib initially met his Murshid, Baihaqee-e- Waqt Hazrat Allama Pir Mufti Manzur Ahmad Faizi (ra), and after pledging his allegiance he received Ijaza (permission) in the Chistiyya Faiziyya Sufi discipline. Pir Sahib also holds Ijazaat in the Qadri, Naqshbandi, Owaisi and Sabri Sufi disciplines from Shaykh Abdul Hakeem Sharf Qadri (ra), Shaykh Faidh Ahmad Uwaisi (Hafizahullah) and Shaykh Muhammad Ismaeel Ahmad Al Qadri (Hafizahullah).
Pir Saqib continues to deliver speeches and hold regular weekly/monthly spiritual gatherings.
26 thoughts on “Pir Saqib Shaami”
I need your help sheik
How can I connect by mobile phone with AL Shakh Saqib Iqbal shami
Yes please contact with me saqib shami
Whats wrong with English common law ?
Like Shariah Law, it’s Law that has been developed over time so needs studying to understand.
What is Astral projection in islam
Alsalamualku hazrat, I am from and I want to know that, is cryptocurrency is halal source of earning or not.
Waiting for your reply int the light of reference of hadis shreef.
It had been declared haram by variius scholars including mufti aazam Misr/Egypt.
I m Shobha from India , desperately seeking your aid, as i have a problem with my husband, he is having an illegal relation with another lady and she is creating a lot of problems and top of that every now and then she is threating him if you don’t come to me than i will commit suicide. Her name is munni kumari and my husband name is sudarshan. that’s why he started taking drinks every now and then due to stress and tension, i would like to talk to you in length. kindly have mercy on me. please contact me as soon as possible.
Please delete my above message as i wrote this on the behalf of my very intimate friend.she doesn’t want it to get disclosed with others in website page 🙏🏻please keep it very confidential by mistake I wrote all the details, my sincere request to you delete the msg immediately as I can’t do it from my end . Hope you understand it.it’s a question of her reputation and name.
Thank you
I’m from and I want to be mureed of my beloved pir saqib shami. But for now I think it is not possible.. so please help me with one thing that is… Is it possible to have a small conversation with pir saqib shami through video call.? By your zariya.. you’re my only one hope.. please say yes and reply me. I’m mentioning my phone number 8693041574
Can we shave our head from our own hands after performing umrah
Allah aap ko salamt rakhe
Allah aap ki umar me barkat
Aata farmay
Or aap ka sath hamesha
Hamaare saath ho
Allah hafiz
Mohammed Javed
From India.
M mureed hona chata hu aapse
I Am ashik momin ,
I want to Mureed of pir saqib shami..
Hume hazrat ka address dijiye inshallah hum jayenge.
Peer Saqib Hamare Salamat Rahe 🫶🏻🫀
AslaamAlaikum. I watched Pir Saqib Sahab’s speech from Mumbai. He answered all the questions which were raised on Noor – o – Bashr. We Sunnis are blessed to have such gems. May Allah Almighty bless him with long and healthy life. Aameen
So he can continue enlightening our minds and hearts. He is a true Aashiq – e – Rasool SAW.
I’m the biggest follower of peer saqib shami I’ve watched all his Bayan it’s amazing
I’m biggest fan of Peer saqib shami
i wann meet him once in my life
From indian occupied Kashmir
I am seeking employment at hospitals located near Kanzul Huda, as I would like to participate in gatherings and have the opportunity to regularly meet with Peer Sahib. Could you kindly provide the names of nearby hospitals?
beshak me gunahgaar hun siyaakar hun khatakaar hun but allah ka hi banda hun from india my name is naiyer and 24 yrs old wanted to meet pir sahab but maslah boundaries ka aata hain or mere itney ache nasseeb nahi ke meri mulaqat karne allah ke ghar aao please dua for me mujhe aapki dua ki bhot bhot jarur hai app allah ke karebi shaks ho allah vale ho plesase kariye mereliye
I have a question from long time i am in usa working in gas station selling alchol is it haram or halal
If you own the business, it is not allowed. if you work there then best to avoid as much as possible.
Assalamualaikum hazrat
Labbaik ya Rasool Allah
Labbaik ya Rasool Allah
Labbaik ya Rasool Allah